Thursday, May 25, 2006

Computer glitches horror stories in today's WP.

Just as technology amplifies our human strengths, it can also showcase our weaknesses.
Don't believe me? Go to Google News and type in "computer glitch." I do this whenever I need a high-tech horror story for a speech.

When I ran the search last week, up popped stories about recent computer "glitches" that caused Citibank to make 274,800 incorrect banking transactions in Japan; led an Indiana gas station to sell gas for two-hundredths of a penny per gallon; and shut down security checkpoints at the Atlanta airport for hours, costing Delta Airlines $1.3 million.

Over in London, a "computer glitch" was blamed for the British government incorrectly labeling 1,500 innocent citizens as criminals because their names were confusingly similar to those of convicts. The disclosure followed a similar slip-up in which the British government accidentally set free more than 1,000 foreign prisoners who should have been considered for deportation.