Monday, February 06, 2006

The Editor; "Yellands-Posten" of Denmark

Dear Sirs,

It is extremely sad that the Muslim Masses had gone too far in exercising their rights to "Freedom of-Expression"; by burning down two embassies, and so many Danish flags and effigies. You see Sir, the problem with the Masses is that they are unable to read between the lines; whether in text or in drawings. You evidently did not insult Islam or the Prophet of Islam, but were only giving an honest illustrated diagnosis of the mental state of your own nation; and your message clearly reads: "The Danish Nation severely suffers from a Very Sick Imagination", and you must be extremely brave and honest to assert that observation. Naturally you could not be blamed; since, in your Nationwide Competition, you only strictly followed the most classic and standard procedures in Psychological Health Tests. Your message has, therefore, clearly missed its target; and its target was most certainly "the troubled Heart of the Danish Suffering Nation"!!

This, of course, is apart from the fact that no one on this entire Planet can ever hurt Islam or the Prophet of Islam; and attempting this is not much unlike "that poor stag trying to crush a basalt rock, with its brittle horns"!!

Thank you Sir.

Yours faithfully,

(Professor) F. A. E.