Tuesday, January 03, 2006

People around the world are invited to vote in a survey for the New Seven Wonders of the World (SwissInfo) .

And here is the list :
Acropolis, Greece - Alhambra, Spain - Angkor, Cambodia - Chichen Itza, Mexico - Christ Redeemer, Brazil - Colosseum, Italy - Easter Island statues, Chile - Eiffel Tower, France -
Great Wall, China - Hagia Sophia, Turkey - Kyomizu Temple, Japan - Kremlin, Russia -
Machu Picchu, Peru -Neuschwandstein Castle, Germany - Petra, Jordan - Pyramids of Giza, Egypt - Statue of Liberty, United States - Stonehenge, England - Sydney Opera House, Australia - Taj Mahal, India - Timbuktu, Mali